TASM Program to divide Two 16 Bit Numbers
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TASM Program :Data segment msg db 0dh,0ah,"Enter Dividend: $" msg1 db 0dh,0ah,"Enter Divisor: $" resq db 0dh,0ah,"The Quotient is: $" resr db 0dh,0ah,"The Remainder is: $" Data ends Code segment assume CS:Code,DS:Data start: mov ax,Data ; Move Data to Data Segment mov DS,ax mov dx,offset msg ; Display contents of variable msg div16 mov ah,09h int 21h mov ah,01h ; To accept input and store ASCII value into al int 21h call AsciitoHex mov bh,al ; Accept 1000's place of the Number rol bh,4 mov ah,01h ; To accept input and store ASCII value into al int 21h call AsciitoHex add bh,al mov ah,01h ; To accept input and store ASCII value into al int 21h call AsciitoHex mov bl,al ; Accept 10's place of the Number rol bl,4 mov ah,01h ; To accept input and store ASCII value into al int 21h call AsciitoHex ; Accept unit's place of Number add bl,al ; Get the number by adding 10's and unit's place mov dx,offset msg1 ; Display contents of variable msg1 mov ah,09h int 21h mov ah,01h ; To accept input and store ASCII value into al int 21h call AsciitoHex ; Accept 10's place of the Number mov cl,al rol cl,4 mov ah,01h ; To accept input and store ASCII value into al int 21h call AsciitoHex ; Accept unit's place of Number add cl,al ; Get the number by adding 10's and unit's place mov ax,bx ; Divide the two accepted Number's mov bl,cl div bl mov cx,ax ; Store the value of the Result mov dx,offset resq ; Display contents of string resq mov ah,09h int 21h mov ax,cx ; Retreive Result and al,0f0h ; Isolate 10's place of the Quotient ror al,4 mov bl,al ; Convert to ASCII to display call AsciiConv mov dl,bl ; Display a Number/Alphabet mov ah,02h int 21h mov ax,cx ; Retrieve original Result and al,0fh ; Isolate unit's place of Result mov bl,al ; Convert to ASCII to display call AsciiConv mov dl,bl ; Display a Number/Alphabet mov ah,02h int 21h mov dx,offset resr ; Display contents of string resr mov ah,09h int 21h mov ax,cx ; Retrieve original Result and ah,0f0h ; Isolate 10's place of the Quotient ror ah,4 mov bl,ah ; Convert to ASCII to display call AsciiConv mov dl,bl ; Display a Number/Alphabet mov ah,02h int 21h mov ax,cx ; Retrieve original Result and ah,0fh ; Isolate unit's place of Result mov bl,ah ; Convert to ASCII to display call AsciiConv mov dl,bl ; Display a Number/Alphabet mov ah,02h int 21h mov ah,4ch ; Terminate the program int 21h AsciiConv proc ; Compare to 0a if it is less than A then we need to add only 30 cmp bl,0ah ; If it is greater than or equal to 0a then we also need to add 07 jc skip add bl,07h skip: add bl,30h ret endp AsciitoHex proc ; Compare to 41 if it is less than A then we need to sub only 30 cmp al,41h ; If it is greater than or equal to 41 then we also need to sub 07 jc skippy sub al,07h skippy: sub al,30h ret endp Code ends end startoutput:-
C:\Documents and Settings\admin>cd c:\tasm\bin C:\TASM\BIN>tasm 16Div.asm Turbo Assembler Version 4.1 Copyright (c) 1988, 1996 Borland International Assembling file: 16Div.asm Error messages: None Warning messages: None Passes: 1 Remaining memory: 452k C:\TASM\BIN>tlink 16Div.obj Turbo Link Version Copyright (c) 1987, 1996 Borland International Warning: No stack C:\TASM\BIN>16Div Enter Dividend: 0100 Enter Divisor: 09 The Quotient is: 1C The Remainder is: 04 --------------------------------